Hello, Sparkle Squad! It’s been about 2 weeks since my last YouTube channel watch time update. Thanks so much to everyone who regularly visit, watch my new videos when they’re released, share my content to others that might enjoy it, and especially those that keep posting lovely comments about actually enjoying my content (even my old stuff!).

It’s not easy putting myself out there on my various platforms, but especially YouTube. I know many fellow makers & online content creators understand this. Posting my jewelry, crafts & handmade biz tips is a labor of love. I enjoy teaching creative topics and projects. If my content happens to bring any financial reward back to me for those efforts, then that’s sparkle-tastic! Thank you for supporting my sparkly journey!
Unfortunately, I’m still only about 25 more hours ahead than I was 2 weeks ago, despite the efforts of my sparkly supporters. I’m about 954 hours away from maintaining the dreaded 4,000 hours of annual watch time. I’ve about given up tracking anymore & will probably stop the community update announcements at my channel, as I’m sure it’s driving some of y’all crazy. I know it is exhausting me! I’m not certain the YouTube analytics are accurately reflective of the true watch time anyway. I’ll never stop posting my content, so never fear. If monetization gets turned off at Sparkle by Monica’s YouTube channel, that’s fine…that extra dollar will just be missed at the bead sales. lol.
For new creators, please don’t let this discourage your own content creation. We all have different audiences, exposure, work ethic, and sometimes just simple luck. It should always be about your passion, not your pocketbook.
Over these last 7 years, the friendships with my fans & fellow creators, plus the filming/ editing experience that I’ve gained are far more valuable than the little bit of monetization I’ve received. That knowledge, skill level, and camaraderie can’t ever be taken away. Sparkle on, y’all!

At no cost to you…As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Some of the other links mentioned are also my affiliate links, which I may earn a small commission if clicked or purchased. These referral fees help to support my channel, content creation, website fees, etc. Your support is greatly appreciated, but never expected. Thank you!