Hello all. Here’s an old photo with a new meaning in this time of uncertainty dealing with shelter-in-place CoVid-19 scenarios. #StayHome

I’m blessed to currently have a teleworking option from my contracting job at the moment, but that could change as this novel Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) progresses. Regardless of what comes, I am remaining isolated during this time while checking on those that I love via phone and social media. At a minimum, please practice social distancing and help to #FlattenTheCurve of the spread of the virus. Avoid groups of people, eat meals at home, use pickup/ delivery services at grocery stores, sanitize your surroundings, stay 6 feet away from those in your own household, wash hands, etc. Don’t panic, but be logical and smart.

Things to do While at Home? Remedies for Cabin Fever:
Hopefully, the only fever that most of us will experience during this pandemic will be cabin fever. There are tons of things we can do to combat boredom as well!
I love to read books, as you can see from the photo above. While the internet is cooperative, I do social media, use my Kindle & have access to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc. Take walks outside, but distance from others. Take care of your pets, but try to remember distancing as they can get this, too. (It’s hard when they are lap kitties/ dogs, I know). Get back to basics & unplug if hourly news reports are causing stress, but do get periodic updates to stay informed for important local information. Those who craft, create. Take up a new fitness routine or dust off those old DVDs. Play REAL cards or board games. Take an online class, especially if you enjoy project ideas & patterns. So many options are available.
How to Help Support Artists & Laid-Off Workers
For artists, entertainers, service industry people and others currently laid off, etc., consider the use of technology and online tip jars to perform/ transact via social media, YouTube & Twitch livestreams, etc.
Here’s my tip jar, if you’re interested. Thank you sparkly bunches!
For those who post blogs or create other online content, you should remember to utilize (and disclose) your affiliate links so the audience may shop more conveniently if interested. This saves time for them so they don’t have to manually search for whatever you talked about, but the links also help to potentially support your value-added writing and content creation.
Anyone that knows an artist, entertainer, service industry worker or laid-off person knows how important alternative revenue streams can be. Many creatives offer their own merchandise shops & products. Others can provide editing or technical services. Sometimes when financial contributions are not possible, you can still offer support for free! Simply share their online content to your audience, read their blogs, utilize their affiliate links wherever you regularly shop, watch, “like”, share & comment on their YouTube videos, etc. Never forget the power of referral and encouragement!
Hang in there. Remain calm, helpful and vigilant. Be thankful for healthcare workers, medical staff & essential personnel. Sparkle on, y’all!
At no cost to you…As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Some of the other links mentioned are also my affiliate links, which I may earn a small commission if clicked or purchased. Thank you!